Member-only story
Are you listening?
If you are curious about what is right for you, wondering what to chose next, how to proceed with work, or a relationship, the first step is to simply listen. Now I am not going to tell a joke here but you know the one where a guy walks into a bar… the type of person that walks in with his chest puffed out and a mocking smile as if he has nothing to prove, usually that is the first sign that he is afraid he actually does. Whereas the man who walks in and knows who he is doesn’t need that validation from the rest of the room… our knowing is similar. Our ego screams and shouts and loses its cool if it feels anything other than what it already knows. Our Inner self, our intuition simply is, a quiet little constant always keeping it real with us.
If there is a long explanation or a million reasons ‘why not’ when you ask your soul what it needs, it is usually evidence that the ego is showboating itself to avoid what feels new and potentially scary or hard.
For example: “Should I leave this job?”
Your heart calling/intuition/higher-self will simply say, “Yes, it is no longer aligned to stay here and we know that we will be okay if we change course. We are safe.”
Meanwhile, the ego is in the next room pulling her hair out screaming, “Are you crazy?? Have you lost your mind?! This is all we have ever done and it will be all we ever do! What if it doesn’t work? What if you can’t pay the bills? What if…” on and on and…